Why Preach Fitness?

Not everyone moves at the same speed or in the same direction. That is why our coaches refuse to provide cookie-cutter plans or standardized programming. We recognize that everyone has their own unique strengths and obstacles and that each individual has their own final destination.

At Preach Fitness, we serve as your gps and we trust you to act as the driver.

A map does you no good if you don't understand how to read it or follow it's directions. Many roads can lead to the same destination, but we ask you to trust our coaches to help you navigate your journey in a safe, healthy, and efficient manner.

We give you the directions, but it's up to you to hit the gas.

What does it mean to be a part of Preach Fitness?

  1. Our coaches Practice what they Preach and they expect you to do the same.

  2. Our coaches hold themselves and their clients to the Preach Fitness values:

    • Perseverance: persistence in achieving the end goal, regardless of how many obstacles present themselves, having a no-excuse mindset

    • Resilience: the ability to get back up and keep pushing forward after getting knocked down

    • Empowerment: to empower both yourself and others to accomplish something, to invoke feeling of authority, confidence, and ability

    • Accountability: to practice both interpersonal and self-accountability, to be honest with yourself and others

    • Consistency: to perform the same actions and behaviors repeatedly over time

    • Humility: to think and behave with modesty, to remember that you are human and no better than anyone else

By remembering to practice what they preach and by embracing our core values, many clients have found success in working with our passionate coaches.