The "R" in Preach

Our Core Values

Oxford dictionary defines resilience as:

“the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.”

If you are big Rocky fans like us, then you are sure to have seen the famous speech in which Rocky Balboa says: “It ain't about how hard you're hit, it's about how you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.”

THIS is resilience. 

Life will knock down EVERY single person at some point. It’s inevitable. 

When you encounter someone that seems unstoppable, never shaken up from life; it isn’t that life hasn’t knocked him or her down. That individual has simply made the decision to learn as quickly as possible from their setback and has gotten back up and kept pushing forward.

As you learn from life’s struggles you become stronger and the harder it is for life to knock you down and, more importantly, keep you down!

“Being resilient is a skill that I have found to be imperative in life. Life is f***ing tough and we have to be incredibly strong to keep pushing through it. The gym is my favorite place to practice the skill of resilience. A place where we can allow yourselves to be knocked down and beaten up week after week. A place where we come back stronger each time. A place where reset and recovery is not an option, but a requirement. I like to think of life in the same way that I think of the gym. I just keep showing up, giving it my all, knowing that it’s going to hurt and that my muscles are going to be torn right up. But every day, I’m happy to have the opportunity to show up again, recovered and ready to push even harder.”



“Life is unforgiving. The world doesn't owe you anything. If you believe it does then you will have a rude awakening whether that is today, tomorrow or in the distant future. We are all given the same basic opportunities for survival. We can either choose to resent those who have more “advantages” than we do, or we can toughen the f**k up and realize that luck doesn’t dictate your path. Resilience to life's never-ending challenges does. You have to play the game. If life wants to test your resilience, then test the world's resilience in return. Eventually someone is going to break down and give up. Don’t let it be you and you will reap the rewards you have suffered for.”


How to develop a Resilient mindset:

  • Maintain perspective. Look at the big picture. Remember that what feels like a massive failure or hurdle probably isn’t that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. 

  • Focus on your goals. Remember that the larger the goal, the larger the obstacles. The larger the obstacles, the larger the fall. Don’t allow the fall to cause you to lose sight of what you are working towards.

  • Practice gratitude. When things get hard, remembering everything that you do have can help you from feeling depressed about the things that you don’t have - yet.

Resilience is very different than being numb. Resilience means you experience, you feel, you fail, you hurt. You fall. But, you keep going.
— Yasmin Mogahed
Preach Fitness