Helpful vs. Hurtful

Something that I like to implement in all aspects of my life is the simple question: “Is this Helpful or Hurtful?”

Whether I am deciding whether or not to switch up my workout routine, what I want to eat for dinner or how I want to broach something to my spouse, asking myself whether what I am doing is Helpful or Hurtful will make the decision easy every single time.

Let me give you some examples!


Some of us thrive on routine and others thrive making our decisions on a day-to-day basis. I am somewhere in the middle. When committing to a workout regime, it is very important to Stick to it. Sometimes that means sticking to a regular plan, a regular split or simply a consistent schedule. When deciding to change our regime, Why we want to change it is what we need to think about.

Thoughts to consider / Reasons to implement a change :

Helpful VS Hurtful

Hit a plateau VS Lazy

Schedule changed VS Bored

Noticed something is lacking and wanting to spend more time improving it VS Noticed you don’t like something even though it’s beneficial, and just don’t want to do it anymore



As goes with fitness, there absolutely are good reasons to switch up your eating habits. Ask yourself Why you are making these changes as well.

Thoughts to consider / Reasons to implement a change :

Helpful VS Hurtful

Hit a plateau VS Lazy

Schedule changed VS Bored of the same food

Want to try a new diet (ie; vegan, pescatarian, vegetarian, etc) VS Don’t want to spend so much time preparing healthy meals

Change of goals (ie; gaining muscle, losing fat, etc) VS “It’s too much work”


When considering overall lifestyle & relationships, it can get a little trickier as things aren’t quite so black and white. When having to consider other people and situations, there are more factors to consider than just yourself and your personal goals.

This is where your Why and your How must come into play.

1.) Why are you making the change?

Helpful VS Hurtful

Making a change to prioritize your happiness VS Reacting with Impulsivity, Fear or Anger

Wanting to make your life better VS Wanting to make someone else’s life worse

Prioritizing Yourself AND your Loved Ones VS Prioritizing Yourself OVER your Loved Ones (or vice versa)


2.) How are you going to implement the change?

Helpful VS Hurtful

Using reflective statements such as “I am” & “I feel” VS Using accusatory statements including “You are” & “You don’t”

Practicing mindfulness and insightfulness VS Expecting others to regulate themselves to your standard

With self-forgiveness & grace VS With self-condemnation


There are so many ways to make decision making easier. This is just one of my favorites. I hope it helps you as much as it helps me!

♥ Haley

Preach Fitness