Team YOU

Fitness is a personal journey. Whether you are training for aesthetics or strength, or you are simply aiming to live a longer, healthier life, everyones’ journey will differ. At Preach Fitness, we strive to help our clients become self-sufficient. We want each and every client to grow confident in their healthy habits and routines so that one day, they no longer need us.

We have all witnessed coaches and businessmen / women feed a feeling of dependence in their clients in order to keep the money coming. We don’t believe in this. We know that each and every one of our clients are capable individuals who simply need a map to get where they are going. We want to be there supporting and empowering our clients, while reminding them that they ultimately have to hold themselves accountable. We are just a guide, a source of knowledge and the little angel on their shoulder telling our clients to Keep Pushing.

We cherish the satisfaction of seeing our clients going from dependent and unsure to independent and confident in prioritizing their health and fitness.


Let us give you an example.

Let’s call her Susan. Susan has recently decided to hire a personal trainer at the local gym and has been pushing successfully through 3 workouts per week. The intensity of her training has been heightened by the trainers enthusiasm, she has been lifting heavy weight and pushing herself past her limiting beliefs with his support.

However, on week 4, the trainer becomes ill and Susan is left to workout on her own for a full week. Suddenly she struggles to get to the gym, trains with little intensity, lifts less weight, and hits minimal reps, knowing that her trainer isn’t there watching her and boosting her confidence, and allowing her feelings of laziness to impact her workout.

This is not what we want for our clients. We want our clients finding their Why, manifesting their own motivation and developing the strength and discipline to dig deep when no-one is watching.


While other coaches welcome new clients to their “team”, we prefer to thank clients for welcoming us into their journey. We believe that we are TEAM YOU. We don’t believe that you are “Team Us” or “Team Preach Fitness”. This is your journey, and we want to be your guide to success, what ever that success may look like.

Believe us when we say that peoples’ goals vary tremendously! We aren’t looking to mold individuals or athletes to a brand standard, we are looking to get to know each client and help each individual become the best version of themselves.


Preach Fitness