Why PREACH Fitness?

People have been asking us a lot lately why we chose the name Preach Fitness for our coaching business.

Well. Wouldn’t we love to tell you 😉




We believe in Practicing What We Preach.

We wouldn’t be confident telling other people what to do if we weren’t first doing it ourselves. While education and knowledge are important, we value personal experience and life skills even more. Anyone can go to school and obtain all of the information needed to lead healthy, active lives, but very few people can exercise the self-discipline to actually implement such knowledge into consistent, daily physical actions. Knowing what should be done and actually doing it, regardless of how you feel in that moment, are two very different things. We strive to lead by example and embody the physical and mental image of our company values and all that we Preach.



PREACH is an Acronym for our core values – in fitness, nutrition, life, business, and personal character.

  • P is for Perseverance. Life is tough, but so are you. Taking adversity as a lesson and not a hardship is a make-or-break in all aspects of life. In fitness, as with any other endeavor, you cannot expect to see results instantaneously and must put your head down and continue putting in the work, regardless of how difficult, tiring or discouraging it may feel.

  • R is for Resiliency. As Rocky says; “It’s not about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.” (If you aren’t familiar with this quote, then we suggest you stop reading, watch all 5 Rocky movies, and return once you have finished).

  • E is for Empowerment. We want our clients to feel unbelievably empowered because this is YOUR journey. YOU have control and YOU make your decisions. We are simply your guide, your GPS, your support. We aim to amplify your confidence, provide you with the tools that you need to become self-sufficient and help you to KNOW that you are capable of whatever it is that you want to do.

  • A is for Accountability. When you say that you are going to do something to better your own life, YOU must hold yourself accountable when no one is watching. We must remember that it is up to no one other than yourself to hold you to your goals and your standards. Developing an unwavering sense of accountability is going to be what pushes you to that next level, no matter what your endeavor.

  • C is for Confidence. As we already mentioned, we aim to instill a sense of confidence in our clients and our relationships. We want you to be as confident in yourselves as we are in you. Too many people forget how capable they are and fail to take risks or make an effort for fear of failure. We want to remind you to be a success seeker and not a failure avoider. Be confident. Just do it.

  • H is for Humility. Once you have begun consistently holding yourself accountable, you no longer feel the need to “show the world” what you have accomplished and seek recognition. Being humble is knowing you are capable of greatness, yet being comfortable enough in your own skin to appreciate other peoples’ journeys without judging where they are, whether they are further ahead of you, or miles behind. Be kind - support your peers. We only get one life, don’t be a jackass.

Preach Fitness